The work HCC>>strong>Guassupi Hill is part of the complex Toropi, which is located between the municipalities of Quevedos, São Martinho da Serra and Júlio de Castilhos, in Rio Grande do Sul. The work is a (HCC (Small Hydropower Plant), out of a total of four that make up the complex. Guassupi hill>/strong>is the second of the four plants that make up the complex and, after its completion, will have the capacity to generate approximately 60MW of power, which is 1.5% of the demand of the state of Strong>Great South River.
The project is being executed by the construction company FBF Construtora, which has some SH solutions for the execution of the structure. As is the case with the balance chimney, where the solution is being used SH® Sliding Shape with internal clay. As for slab shoring from the powerhouse and < a href=” 325 Ladder for spillway.
Infrastructure works of this proportion require cutting-edge technical solutions and broad support to ensure feasibility, security and agility in executions. The system >a href=””>Shaped Slider>a href=””>® was chosen because it is ideal for very tall reinforced concrete structures, with the challenge of maintaining uninterrupted sliding once started.
”Even with the rainy and cold weather of Rio Grande do Sul, we were able to deliver the structure ahead of schedule and with a great finish, of course together with the construction team, which was of utmost importance for the final result. “‘, counted João Guilherme, Infrastructure Designer from SH.
Besides being always aware of the execution deadlines, the articulation with all the sectors of the work is fundamental, from the assembly team to the engineering team. To help the client to have a good control of the rented equipment, also aiming at the final quality of the executions, was determinant for the success of the work with a partnership between SH.
Explained Leonardo Oliveira, Contracts Supervisor of the SH Unit Rio Grande do Sul.
With approximately 18 tons of SH® Sliding Form, the work, which began in January 2019, is scheduled to end in January 2021.
SH® Infrastructure Team that contributed to this Project:
Technical Specialist SH Infrastructure: Fellipe Saraiva
SH Assembly Supervisor: Manoel Rodrigues
SH Infrastructure Designer: João Guilherme
SH Contracts Supervisor: Leonardo Oliveira