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RENT(Shapes, Scaffolding and Shorings)
PURCHASE (Aluminum Concrete Wall Forms)
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—Escolha uma opção—Acre (AC)Alagoas (AL)Amapá (AP)Amazonas (AM)Bahia (BA)Ceará (CE)Distrito Federal (DF)Espírito Santo (ES)Goiás (GO)Maranhão (MA)Mato Grosso (MT)Mato Grosso do Sul (MS)Minas Gerais (MG)Pará (PA)Paraíba (PB)Paraná (PR)Pernambuco (PE)Piauí (PI)Rio de Janeiro (RJ)Rio Grande do Norte (RN)Rio Grande do Sul (RS)Rondônia (RO)Roraima (RR)Santa Catarina (SC)São Paulo (SP)Sergipe (SE)Tocantins (TO)
Project phase *
—Escolha uma opção—Approved by the City CouncilViability studyLaunched with salesUndefinedLaunch in less than 120 days
Project type *
—Escolha uma opção—HouseDepartmentLoftOthers
Shape for slabs?Form for platiband / Oitão?
Shape for slabs?Form for platiband / Oitão?Stairway Form?Security system NR18?
form for platband?Form for how many apartments?Form for stairs?Security system NR18 montagem manualSecurity system NR18 crane assembly
26I don't know
Qty of housing units
Housing units concreted per day
VGV means total sales value. It is a value calculated by the sum of the potential sales value of all the units of a company to be launched
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